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Kilka godzin po zamachu w Petersburgu - upa-ina otrzymuje transzę pomocy z MFW.

IMF approves 4th loan tranche for Ukraine

Ukraine's key creditor, the International Monetary Fund, has completed the third review of its cooperation program with Ukraine involving the Extended Fund Facility and approved for the first time in history the allocation to Ukraine of the fourth loan tranche worth $1 billion, President Petro Poroshenko wrote on Facebook. Za: https://www.unian.info


Za: http://jeznach.neon24.pl/post/137822,poniedzialek-3-kwietnia-2017

IMF approves 4th loan tranche for Ukraine Ukraine’s key creditor, the International Monetary Fund, has completed the third review of its cooperation program with Ukraine involving the Extended Fund Facility and approved for the first time in history the allocation to Ukraine of the fourth loan tranche worth $1 billion, President Petro Poroshenko wrote on Facebook.

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/economics/1857121-imf-approves-4th-loan-tranche-for-ukraine.html
IMF approves 4th loan tranche for Ukraine Ukraine’s key creditor, the International Monetary Fund, has completed the third review of its cooperation program with Ukraine involving the Extended Fund Facility and approved for the first time in history the allocation to Ukraine of the fourth loan tranche worth $1 billion, President Petro Poroshenko wrote on Facebook.

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/economics/1857121-imf-approves-4th-loan-tranche-for-ukraine.html
IMF approves 4th loan tranche for Ukraine Ukraine’s key creditor, the International Monetary Fund, has completed the third review of its cooperation program with Ukraine involving the Extended Fund Facility and approved for the first time in history the allocation to Ukraine of the fourth loan tranche worth $1 billion, President Petro Poroshenko wrote on Facebook.

Read more on UNIAN: https://www.unian.info/economics/1857121-imf-approves-4th-loan-tranche-for-ukraine.html