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USA - Fałszywe wybory = Fałszywa demokracja 
Flynn: military could re-run election; Pentagon pauses giving info to Biden team

NTD Evening News- 12/18/2020

1. Venezuelan Co. Banned for Election ‘Fraud’
2. Pause in Briefing Biden ‘Agreed Upon’: DOD
3. Solarwinds Hacker Breached Arizona County
4. AZ County Defies Dominion Audit Subpoenas
5. Contractor Claims Dominion CEO Lied
6. Flynn: Military Could Re-Run Election
7. Scholar Explains the Insurrection Act
8. Ga. To Conduct Statewide Signature Check
9. Iranian Interference in the US Election
10. U.S. Charges Zoom’s China-Based Executive
11. $600 Checks In Stimulus Package: Kudlow
12. SCOTUS Rejects Census Suit Against Trump
13. Ayyadurai: Health Not a One Size Fits All
14. US Biz Owners Stand Up to Lockdowns
15. Calif. Officials Condemn Hospital Renaming
16. Calif. Population Growth Rate: Record Low
17. Reports Reveal China’s Army Shortcomings
18. US Sanctions CCP-Linked Chinese Firms
19. CCP “Divide & Conquer” Strategy in Europe
20. Britons Raise Two Canadians’ Plight
21. UK Army Wants a Cold War Plan for China
22. Russia Doping Sanction Halved
23. Music Band of Doctors Perform at Hospitals
24. 2024 Paris Olympics Includes Breakdancing
25. US Sees 19% Growth in the Toy Industry
26. Pandemic Hits English Mistletoe Industry

The U.S. sanctions two individuals and a Venezuelan company for allegedly helping to rig the country's recent election, the Defense Department says pausing transition briefings with the Biden team was “mutually agreed upon,” and Dominion voting systems says its voting machines aren't designed to go online, but some say their training manual shows otherwise. --------------------- 💎Subscribe to NTD:
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